It is a known fact that for any business to survive and thrive, several strategic partnerships need to be secured. The need to make friends and partners ensures the smooth continuation of business operations at a time when new trends are seemingly transforming the business landscape as we know it. This article is aimed at exploring four kinds of partnerships that benefit boat dealerships and the inside scoop on each.
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Today, lead generation and follow up is the main reason most business set ups invest in a social media presence. Merely having social media accounts doesn’t necessarily mean automatic results; like everything else, social media does require some strategic planning and execution. For small up-and-coming businesses, expenditure on marketing, lead generation and follow up doesn’t always make much sense. Social media is the new marketing arena and the competition knows this. This article is aimed at exploring the various ways in which you can increase your reach on social media and, in doing so, give your firm a strategic advantage.
While we all know that there are many reasons to enter social media as an individual, from catching up with old friends and colleagues to finding a new job, there are also plenty of reasons to enter social media as a business. Social media is a great marketing tool throughout several industries and for all different types of companies, helping to further develop the inbound marketing process for your business.
Customer service index, abbreviated as CSI, is a standard measure of customer satisfaction. It gives direct insight into the quality of customer service offered and consequently how happy or satisfied the customers are about it. As always, the success of any business set up will rely on customer satisfaction, among other things. A CSI survey is an extensive demographic representation that covers various sectors of an economy over a defined period of time. The survey rates customer experience on a scale of 1-10 on a series of definitive metrics covering areas such as efficiency, professionalism, complaint response, timeliness, quality of service and products, ease of doing business amongst others. This article is aimed at highlighting the various ways you can increase your customers’ satisfaction and hopefully bolster your customer ratings.
Now, this may seem like an obvious question or consideration when planning your own boat show or other event, but there are many factors to consider when promoting and advertising in advance. While it is clear that both your company and your event are included in the same overall goals, certain ideals of your website may be more generalized while the presentation of your show is more colorful and exciting. The two may eventually need to be separate yet linked at the core.
Topics: Event Marketing Websites Optimization Boat Dealerships Marketing Tips & Tricks
Lead generation refers to the marketing process that involves the arousal of customer interest in a particular product or service and subsequently capturing it with the specific targeted purpose of developing a sustainable sales pipeline. Lead generation now relies heavily on technology and as that evolves, so do mothods of generating leads. One recent trend includes social media use alongside professional business websites. This article is meant to explore the versatile world of lead generation, its present state, and what the future holds for it in the coming decade.
When presenting your business it’s easy to simply think, “We’ll set up at the largest conference,” or “Let’s make sure we are in the next boat show in town.” However, there are a number of different types of events that take place all over this country, and this world for that matter, where you can expand your presentation to consumers and amongst the industry as a whole.
Topics: Event Marketing Boat Dealerships Marketing Tips & Tricks
Thanks to technology, the way we do business has changed tremendously, altering the customer support field along with it. Customers can now contact businesses by phone, email, social media and now, live chat. Offering a live chat feature on a website has resulted in exponential growth for those businesses over the last few years. Gaining in popularity, more people are using the platform to get in touch with businesses. The marine industry has also not been left behind in adopting this form of communication. We have it on our own site, and is here to stay.
Topics: Live Chat Marketing Tips & Tricks
While most of your customers are in love with their boat and their time on the water, there is always the priority of work and family that requires careful management of their email. Based on the idea that most of your email campaigns will be B2C (business to consumer) formatted, you will be talking comfortably to those clients during their down time.
Boating is a luxury which makes boat shows quite the big deal, and marketing it can be a costly endeavor. A recovering economy means that boat manufacturers are working extra hard to capture the attention of their customers and prospects. As long as there are lakes, oceans, and seas, boats will be here to stay. This article is aimed at highlighting several boat show promotional ideas.
Topics: Event Marketing Boat Dealerships Marketing Tips & Tricks
- Marketing Tips & Tricks (143)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (45)
- Boat Dealerships (30)
- Customer Retention (30)
- Customer Satisfaction (CSI) (22)
- Lead Generation (19)
- Lead Response & Management (17)
- Social Media Management (17)
- Live Chat (16)
- Customer Care (15)
- Call Campaigns (13)
- Landing Pages & Microsites (12)
- Websites Optimization (11)
- CRM (9)
- Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) (9)
- Event Marketing (8)
- Blogging & Content Creation (6)
- Workplace Productivity (5)
- Marketing Trends (4)
- website design (4)
- Email Marketing (3)
- Re-Marketing Ads (3)
- Craigslist Marketing (1)
- Customer Journey (1)