You may notice that lately we have been discussing the value of customer service and the importance of keeping existing customers happy. With the knowledge that those happy customers will remain loyal, will keep in touch and will spread the positive word of your business to their friends and family, the retention of those customers has proven in many studies to be the best way to improve business and profits combined.
Topics: Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction (CSI) Customer Care Marketing Tips & Tricks
Making existing customers happy can help you sell more than finding new customers.
We consistently mention the importance of good customer service as the ideal function to keeping existing customers happy, spreading the word of your positive business to others, as well as the potential for more sales.
Topics: Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction (CSI) Customer Care Marketing Tips & Tricks
We have recently discussed the most frequent presence of marketing and promotion and that is word of mouth. We know that happy customers are likely to spread the word to their friends and family of how happy they are with your business. Now, there is the question of how many existing and former customers are out there with an unhappy memory of working with your company, either in a purchase, customer service or other way.
Topics: Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction (CSI) Customer Care Marketing Tips & Tricks
We have all heard at some point in our lives that the customer is always right, knowing that there is no better reason to keep a customer happy than the fact that positive feedback is best spread by word of mouth. We have the benefits of social media, surveys and other digital messaging, but those customers who you keep consistently happy will continually pass along a positive reference in your favor when their friends and family are looking for the greatest marine service in the biz.
Topics: Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction (CSI) Customer Care Marketing Tips & Tricks
There is much to be said for customer service in all industries today. Whether your business is based upon product or service there is always the importance of fast response in relation to quality relationships with your customers. No matter whether you sell a product, such as boats or boating products, or if you offer a service to the locals in your town, there is much for all customers to appreciate in the speedy service you may offer when they are in need.
Topics: Lead Response & Management Customer Care Marketing Tips & Tricks
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