MDS Brand Blog

Happy Customers Love to Tell Their Friends

Posted by MDS Brand


We have all heard at some point in our lives that the customer is always right, knowing that there is no better reason to keep a customer happy than the fact that positive feedback is best spread by word of mouth. We have the benefits of social media, surveys and other digital messaging, but those customers who you keep consistently happy will continually pass along a positive reference in your favor when their friends and family are looking for the greatest marine service in the biz.

We have spoken in the past as well about the importance to continue along the path of maintaining those relationships with customers who have worked with you once. There is no reason to sell one product or service and just assume that they will return the next time something is needed or that they are in fact happy because there was no bad feedback. That could be a good reason for personal, or at least automatic email response and follow-ups to help ensure that customers see your empathy as a company and that they are more than just a number to you.

Another way of maintaining these long-term customer relationships are loyalty programs or savings and discounts that come along with either their reference of additional customers to your door, or their next purchase with you. Keep offering them benefits and positive communication so that you are always in their minds when the issue of further marine services or products enters the room.

In sum, remember that the customer is always there and needs to be kept happy continually. While there is the potential to make all customers see the ability to have to serve them quickly, make sure that quality is a priority and that they know you are doing your best to make sure all issues are handled with care. Those happy customers are the most likely to spread the positive word around to friends, family, neighbors and everyone else about the quality of your company’s product and work… so keep them happy!

Download Client Delight: How to boost loyalty and happiness

Topics: Customer Retention, Customer Satisfaction (CSI), Customer Care, Marketing Tips & Tricks