MDS Brand Blog

4 Benefits of Microsites That are Region-Specific.

Posted by MDS Brand

As many businesses are opting for the cloud for marketing their ventures, simply having a website is no longer enough to gain clients. There are countless SEO tactics and other online marketing strategies to help drive traffic to your business. One of those tactics is the use of microsites.  There are many purposes microsites can be used for, however, todays article is focused on those used for specific regions. To give an example, say a user wants to find a dealership in their city, somewhere close to them. They might type into a search engine “(their city) boat dealers” or “Boat dealers near me.” That user may not be willing to travel or wait for shipment of the items they are searching for, so a microsite designed to showcase products available it that area alone could be just what the potential  is looking for.

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Topics: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Landing Pages & Microsites Marketing Tips & Tricks

Top 5 Benefits of Microsites

Posted by MDS Brand

Let’s start by explaining what exactly a microsite is. A microsite is its own smaller site that lives outside of your direct website URL. They are an extension of your brand but have a separate and specific objective – usually to run a campaign toward certain groups or regions. Microsites have become a powerful online marketing tool as they are meant for very targeted tasks; they are not meant to be.

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Topics: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Landing Pages & Microsites Marketing Tips & Tricks