Over the past ten years the growth and development of online sales and marketing has evolved to suit the demands of fast pace internet users. There is plenty of increased availability that helps to access many brands that would not have been previously seen in the mall or shopping center down the street. There is more to the available online store than the purchase. Customer support has become accessible through the internet as well, and has since grown into a necessity for business. Live chat is one form of online support that has become a favorite among users in recent years. Instant messeging businesses? Who would have thunk it?
One Forrester survey has presented an incredible increase in the customer demand for live chat for positive reviews of company customer support. The increase in demand from 2009 to 2014 went from 38% to 58%, and still continues to rise. Personally even, considering the length of wait times and automated anything that occurs on the phone, it is much easier to proceed with live chat for my own queries as a customer. I can ask my question, get a response almost instantly, and continue about my day. Zero miscommunication. Zero frustration.

A survey conducted by eDigitalResearch shows that 73% of Live Chat users "rated their satisfaction with the channel high, while 67% said that they found live chat easy to use." Easy of use is diretly coorilated to satisfaction With all of the ease and comfort of this method of customer support there is much to benefit from the ability to both directly communicate and continue with other tasks while the computer sits in line waiting.
So, the comfort and ease of the live chat will likely continue to grow as it has been reported with several surveys over the past few years. It’s a good idea to get it moving with your company and keep it up.
Other sources: www.groovehq.com/support/customer-support-statistics