Presently, social media is the new marketing front and is an increasingly growing trend. Social media marketing capitalizes on the human need to network with other people, build new friendships and exchange experiences. A well-orchestrated social media marketing strategy has the potential to raise your dealership to new heights. Of course you already know that, but does your boss? After all, they are the one calling the shots.
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Here is what your boss wants to know about social media
- SOCIAL MEDIA IS THE NEW IDEAL CUSTOMER SERVICE CHANNEL: In his day and age, clients are no longer patiently waiting on customer service representatives. Social media is the new avenue in which businesses reach out to the clientele. A social media presence allows businesses to constantly keep in touch with the customers. Following up on customer experiences, reviews and suggestions has been made a whole lot easier.
- SOCIAL MEDIA IS THE NEW MARKETING FRONT: A large percentage of your current and desired clientele is on social media. Most businesses looking to move forward on the marketing front today invest heavily in a social media presence. People focus a lot of their time on those sites and it pays to get in front of your audience where they are.
- SOCIAL MEDIA IS HERE TO STAY: Remember back when social media was basically a way to keep in touch and connect with new friends? Times have changed, social media is no longer only used for social recreation purposes. There’s a professional business appeal to it nowadays, using the social media space to better understand their customers’ needs, consumer trends and more.
- SOCIAL MEDIA IS WHERE THE BUZZ IS AT: One often overlooked but important factor concerning social media is the ability to listen to the conversations going on around your industry. Paying attention to these conversations often offers valuable insight into what the customers feel about a particular product and their expectations. Adjustments can then be made accordingly.
Knowing how to keep up with trends will see your business benefit from the exposure and timely placing of your posts about your brand, products, services, and more. Social media now makes it possible to treat business entities as friends and family. Relationships are forged on social media between consumers and businesses. This in some sense can bolster a loyal customer base which is everything a business venture needs to stay afloat.
Despite social media being overtly pervasive and at times lacking clear objectivity, the sphere can be very useful from a marketing perspective.